Leigh Grissom | https://leighgrissom.com Sat, 12 Dec 2020 22:43:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://leighgrissom.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/cropped-syringe-filled-blue-2-e1554614065323-32x32.png Leigh Grissom | https://leighgrissom.com 32 32 Mental Breakthrough https://leighgrissom.com/2020/12/mental-breakthrough/ https://leighgrissom.com/2020/12/mental-breakthrough/#comments Sat, 12 Dec 2020 22:43:02 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=8106 Dontcha just hate it when your brain slaps you across the heart and screams in perfect-Cher voice to snap out of it?

Yeah, that happened to me yesterday.

I won’t go into what the last six weeks have been like for me. I went on an emotional, mental, and ultimately physical rollercoaster that left me an absolute wreck. Highest high, lowest low, migraines, panic attacks – I hit a wall and couldn’t keep going.

Yesterday, I found my center. It was still there, waiting for me to quit being stupid. I can honestly say I haven’t felt this good in months.

You want to know what happened?

Here is the Cliff Notes version: I forgot who I am.

Now, I’ve never had a really concrete identity. But this time? I completely forgot who I am at my inner core. I took my eyes off my passion and put them on my obligation. I gave far too much to a day job that, if I died, would replace me before I could be cremated. I wasted several truck-loads of soul energy on a place that wouldn’t notice I was gone until the reports were late. And I did it for six solid weeks.

Yesterday, alone in my office, it hit me.

I hate it there. If I’d let my mounting frustrations consume me much longer, I would have left, sure – and would have hated the new job just as much if not more. Just like I’ve hated any other job I’ve had over the years.

Why? Because it’s a JOB. It’s an obligation. It doesn’t fuel me. It doesn’t make me happy. It’s not my passion.

I’m a writer who has to work to keep the electricity on. I’m not a worker who writes in the rare moments she can put a complete sentence together.





In that moment, sitting there alone, my heart rate leveled out, the nagging tightness in my chest eased, and I took the first deep breath I’d taken in six weeks. And last night, I slept like a rock.

I’m done giving that office my mental and soul energy. I’ll still work my butt off. I’ll still give it my usual 110% even though I know I’ll never be rewarded with anything except more work. And, if an opportunity should arise somewhere else, yeah, I’ll no doubt leave.

But – when it’s all said and done, when I’m locking the office door at the end of the day and heading for the time clock, I’m a writer.

I’m a writer.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got worlds that need attention. Y’all lock up and I’ll see you back here soon.


https://leighgrissom.com/2020/12/mental-breakthrough/feed/ 2
Happy otherworldly birthday https://leighgrissom.com/2020/08/happy-otherworldly-birthday/ https://leighgrissom.com/2020/08/happy-otherworldly-birthday/#respond Sat, 22 Aug 2020 19:45:11 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=8029 Today, Ray Bradbury would have been 100 years old.

If you haven’t read his work … fucking fix that.


Start with “The Illustrated Man” and wind your way to “Fahrenheit 451” (I’m ashamed of how many times I had to type Fahrenheit before autocorrect stopped screaming) — and do your psyche a favor and take a rest stop with “Something Wicked This Way Comes.”

After that? Keep going. He left us a wealth of words.

Happy Birthday to the Master.

https://leighgrissom.com/2020/08/happy-otherworldly-birthday/feed/ 0
August 1, 1981 https://leighgrissom.com/2020/08/august-1-1981/ https://leighgrissom.com/2020/08/august-1-1981/#respond Sat, 01 Aug 2020 22:22:10 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=8022 A day which will live in music infamy.

I wasn’t watching when MTV took to the airwaves; being from a reeeeeeeely small town in Texas, we didn’t have access to MTV until it hit our cable provider. I was lucky — my forever friend lived far enough away from the “town proper” that her family had a satellite dish. So I was cool by proxy. Don’t judge me; it counts.

I’m a little nostalgic, so bear with my babbling. Yeah, MTV is 39 years old, but the “M” only stood for music for what, 14 of those years? I still curse the onset of “The Real World,” I’m grateful that MTV Classic still shows 80’s videos throughout the week, and even though “Metal Mayhem” only shows the same 12 metal videos, I still watch. Where else will you see vintage Iron Maiden? Hell, where outside of a concert or YouTube will you see ANY Iron Maiden?

For the record, I still turn up the volume when “Video Killed The Radio Star” comes on in the car. I still get chills when I hear the first notes of “The Reflex” and will die on the hill defending Duran Duran as music royalty. And don’t get me started on the masterpiece that is King Missile’s “Detachable Penis.”

The 80’s needed MTV. Honestly, with the demented shit going on in the world now, I think we need it again. We need music. We need visual escapism that doesn’t center around a smartphone screen. Even just a few minutes away from the news would help.

And while I’m babbling, I watched “Ready Player One” this afternoon. Any 80’s junkies out there who haven’t seen it, you need to do two things. First, read the book. It’s one of the best out there. Second, see the movie. Twice. I know there are some 80’s shout-outs that I missed, so I plan to see it again. And for over two hours, I didn’t feel so damn old.

That’s all for now. That movie got the old brain cranking, and I have a cyberpunk story to finish.

“I Want My MTV”…back.

https://leighgrissom.com/2020/08/august-1-1981/feed/ 0
Good things https://leighgrissom.com/2020/06/good-things/ https://leighgrissom.com/2020/06/good-things/#respond Sun, 28 Jun 2020 01:02:35 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=7995 It’s been a hell of a day. I said goodbye to a Good Woman, stolen by cancer at the too-young age of 60. I was sitting here staring at the picture taken of her and her husband at my signing for SABRE-6, and … dammit, it’s just not fair. That much passion for life … it’s just not fair. I miss you already, Rhonda. I promise I’ll keep an eye on your heart’s love.

In her honor, I’m writing about Good Things. She always smiled, always found the good, always stood for what she believed in. I’m down, but I won’t stay that way. She wouldn’t want any of us to stay down.

So. Good things.

  1. My series, after all these years, has a name. The Eden Evolution Series follows Kerry Sheridan, the thoroughly pissed-off psychic assassin fighting back against the dark organization who built her, broke her, and owned her for most of her life. And now, the four-book series I’d initially planned just got a lot longer. More on that, later.
  2. The trailer for KLS-9 is an absolute thing of beauty. As soon as I figure out how to post it, It’ll be here on my website on the Lower Level page. If you’re reading this and you need a book trailer, find me. I’ll lead you straight to the wizardess Anna Mocikat who is stuck with me for as long as I’m writing books.
  3. The trailer for SABRE-6 is coming. Like, wicked soon. Tomorrow, actually.
  4. My story “Worldwithoutendamen” is on YouTube now! The illustrious Kyle Hester chose it as his inaugural Scary Campfire Story on his YouTube channel. If you can’t find it, let me know and I’ll shoot you the link. It’s a fun read that captures that creepy freakin’ story.
  5. My short story “Mirror Man” is out now in The Hollow Volume 5, an anthology produced by Breaking Rules Publishing. Something else really awesome is coming for this story, too, but (you guessed it) more on that later.
  6. I mentioned the Lower Level page, right? There’s a new perk that comes with subscribing to this loony little blog. I figured out how to sneak blog subscribers in the back door. No paying the fan club fee, no expiration, no nothing. You just have to put up with some sporadic blog posts. Not hard, right? I promise not to annoy you too much.
  7. I … dammit, I can’t talk about that one yet. I’ve branched into cyberpunk — you’ll find out why in October.
  8. One of my stories has been adapted into a script for a short film. No details yet, but keep your fingers crossed. I’d say more, but I don’t want to jinx it.
  9. I’m figuring out this social media stuff little by little. To celebrate, I’m thinking of nifty things like merch sales and maybe some giveaways. I’ll keep everyone posted.


It doesn’t sound like much, but for me? All of this is tremendous. I’m the first who’ll admit I don’t grind at my writing enough, and I’m working to fix that, starting with this post. Just think what I can do if I finally get off my ass and really kick it in gear.

More on that, later.

https://leighgrissom.com/2020/06/good-things/feed/ 0
I made it https://leighgrissom.com/2020/05/i-made-it/ https://leighgrissom.com/2020/05/i-made-it/#comments Wed, 20 May 2020 01:25:18 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=7975 Sooooo … let me introduce myself.

My name is Leigh Grissom. You probably knew that since it’s at the top of the screen.

What you might not know is — as of May 15, 2020, I’ve been sober for 15 years.

The last few months have been rough due to the craziness at the day job (layoffs, furloughs, both of which I was blessed to avoid), but I made it. And I’m pretty damn proud of it.

(Author’s note: There are other reasons it’s been hard this year. I’ll tell those later. Or not.)

Why am I posting this? Because I need to. I’m coming up on a crossroads, thinking about new directions and new adventures, and I need to be able to pull up this post and remind myself how far I’ve already come.

More later. I promise.

https://leighgrissom.com/2020/05/i-made-it/feed/ 1
AUGUST 24, 2017 https://leighgrissom.com/2019/08/august-24-2017/ https://leighgrissom.com/2019/08/august-24-2017/#respond Sat, 24 Aug 2019 21:06:06 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=3022

Two years. How time flies when you finally stop denying the fire that fuels your soul.

August 24, 2017. The day my dream finally came true. It only took fifteen minutes after I hit “publish” on CreateSpace for KLS-9 to go live on Amazon. Fifteen minutes to open a whole new world.

In two years, I’ve learned that NaNoWriMo is NOT for me. My eyelids are still twitching. Long headache short – I will NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.

In two years, I’ve written and released KLS-9’s younger sister SABRE-6, and started the baby of the family (or is it?) better known as EDEN-1.

In two years, I’ve conquered my raging introverted nature and have done several interviews. And they’re not half-bad, if I do say so myself.

In two years, I’ve finally stopped overthinking short stories. My first one in twenty years or more is coming out in Breaking Rules Publishing’s magazine (The Scribe) in September. And they want more of my work.

In two years, I’ve gained a social media presence. Small compared to a lot of writers, but if you know me, it’s huge. The #WritingCommunity is a blessing to me, and I hope they all know that.

I’m learning, I’m growing, and I promise I will get better at this. I’m taking the advice I give out now to any up-and-coming writer who needs it. Don’t stop. If you can’t walk away from writing, then it’s your calling. Don’t. Stop.

I’m not.

Happy book birthday, y’all. Anyone want some cake?

https://leighgrissom.com/2019/08/august-24-2017/feed/ 0
BREAKING RULES PUBLISHING Guest Blog Post https://leighgrissom.com/2019/07/breaking-rules-publishing-guest-blog-post/ https://leighgrissom.com/2019/07/breaking-rules-publishing-guest-blog-post/#respond Wed, 10 Jul 2019 03:06:22 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=1746



Most journeys begin with a single step. Mine didn’t.

It started with a bookcase.

My mother loved rearranging the furniture in our house. Several times a year, every room would take on a new look. The summer before my fifth-grade year, her bookcase found a new home in my bedroom. I loved it – I had been a voracious reader since the age of two, and had long since abandoned he children’s section of the library. I scanned every title repeatedly, from the classics, to her books of poetry, and down to two titles that fascinated me more than any of the others. I loved the way the titles sounded and my childhood curiosity pushed me to read them both.

The books were Stephen King’s “Firestarter” and “The Dead Zone.” As Fate would have it, Mom caught me with “Firestarter” and decided I wasn’t too young to read it. I devoured both books, and on every subsequent trip to the library that summer, I picked up one or two more. I’d already read all the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew mysteries; I had to do something.

Flash forward to the school year, where The Human Dragon of Teachers (name withheld because she still scares me) taught a class on descriptive writing. The assignment was simple; a story of no more than two pages, using the techniques she’d shown us to make the story more visual. I can’t remember the title mine, but I can remember it was about a man watching a building burn. In a twist I’d hoped would make Stephen King happy, I waited until the last sentence to show the man throwing the gas can in a dumpster and sliding his lighter back in his pocket. The Dragon Lady was so unnerved that I was called to her desk to see if we “needed to talk.” Scaring the already-scary was enough to show me writing could be fun.

In the two years encompassing sixth and seventh grade, I hand wrote a short story collection (awful, awful stuff) and one “full-length” vampire novel that topped out at 42 pages. This is also the time I first wrote the name “Kerry Sheridan” in one of my notebooks. More on her in a minute.

During high school, I stuck to writing assignments and worked part time. I had support from several of my teachers until my senior year, when one vicious note from my English teacher shut down my writing completely – for over 20 years.

I played with writing during that time, sure. I had to – it was a need I couldn’t shake. But in my mind, I knew it was awful and there was no point in doing more than keeping a journal. Rejections from several magazines the rare times I gathered courage reminded me I was a hack. The depression that followed opened the door for alcohol, and I forgot I had a dream.

In 2005, I stopped drinking. It took a long time for me to pick up the pen again, but I did. Kerry Sheridan (remember her?) returned with a vengeance – angry, sober, and she needed to be heard. Between 2013 and 2015, I finished the first draft of “KLS-9” while I was at work (don’t tell my ex-boss). After decades of despair and depression, I finally held a story in my hands that wasn’t half bad.

2016 brought the loss of my mother. Before she crossed over, she told me to promise I would finish the book. I promised.

Then 2017 happened.

First, I won a contest to have a paperback and Kindle cover designed for “KLS-9,” which wasn’t even finished at the time. The designer was so patient; he worked with me and held the cover until I could give him a page count, and treated me like I was a VIP customer even though he didn’t make a dime. To add blessings on blessings, he also asked the all-important question:

“Do you have an editor?”

I did not. He recommended someone and she and I clicked instantly. She walked me through the release of “KLS-9” that August and the sequel “SABRE-6” in February of this year. Right now, I can hear her clicking her red pen from states away. I should wrap this up and get back to work on the third book of the series.

Where am I going with all this? I guess I’m trying to tell any aspiring writer, or any writer who’s fighting doubt and fear – don’t do what I did. Don’t let months, years, decades pass while you deny the passion that fuels your soul. Don’t listen to the people who want to drag you down. If it makes you happy, regardless if you become the next best-seller or not – for the love of all that’s holy, don’t quit.

So many will tell you, “Write every day.” If you can, great. But many of us have day jobs. Families. Cats who like to lie on keyboards. Every day isn’t feasible, but when you can, do it.

Support is vital. I used to believe it wasn’t, and I freely admit I was wrong. The friends and family who cheer you on are treasures, but – and don’t get offended, friends and family – you should find other writers to provide that added boost. We “get it,” and we know how frustrating and wonderful the process can be. Writer’s groups are a wonderful way to make connections and learn from others. If you’re like me and can’t find a local group, use social media. Set yourself up on Twitter and find the hashtag #writingcommunity. You’ll meet some amazing individuals and maybe make a friend or ten. Trust me – I did. I’m out there, and I promise I’ll behave while you meet the neighbors. Really.

If the words won’t come, then read. Read everything. Read great books. Read crappy books about overblown sex scenes or sparkling vampires. You’ll learn more than you realize from the great books, and you’ll feel better about your own work when you read the ones that suck. Soon, the words will come back.

My writing journey took a long time, but I feel I’m right where I need to be – in the first draft of my third novel, and learning how to write a screenplay for “KLS-9.” Now that I’ve started, I’m not stopping. And you shouldn’t either.


https://leighgrissom.com/2019/07/breaking-rules-publishing-guest-blog-post/feed/ 0
The Block Has Fallen https://leighgrissom.com/2019/07/the-block-has-fallen/ https://leighgrissom.com/2019/07/the-block-has-fallen/#respond Thu, 04 Jul 2019 20:59:36 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=1478

Reflective today.

I’m progressing on EDEN-1 again after a couple of months’ worth of writer’s block. All credit goes to John Wick 3: Parabellum. Seriously. Two plus hours of mindless violence did wonders for my thought process. Honestly? It’s a better franchise than people realize. Wick is a deep, well-crafted character, and Keanu Reeves brings him to life with a quiet sense of menace that I can only hope to bring out in Kerry Sheridan.

And yeah, the body count is pretty awesome.

So — SPOILER ALERT — I know how EDEN-1 ends. Unless the characters tell me something different — it ends in a fourth book.

I’m taking Dan Brown’s Masterclass online. For anyone who doesn’t know him; he wrote “The DaVinci Code.” I’ve only watched the first two lessons and already have ideas for three short stories. Mr. Brown is right; simple conversations (or, in my case, listening to one annoying little creature who talks in circles) can cause great ideas. I’ll link the stories here when I get them finished.

Wrote a guest blog post for Breaking Rules Publishing, and of course, forgot to copy the link over here. I’ll add it in another post.

Wow. This is random and rambling at its finest. What say I go ahead and wrap this up by saying:

  1. I’m writing again.
  2. I’ve got three short stories lined up.
  3. Masterclass is amazing — after Dan Brown, I’ll be taking one from David Lynch.

Now, if you’ll pardon me, EDEN-1 is calling.

https://leighgrissom.com/2019/07/the-block-has-fallen/feed/ 0
A SONG FOR TEDDY (1954-2019) https://leighgrissom.com/2019/06/1043/ https://leighgrissom.com/2019/06/1043/#comments Sun, 16 Jun 2019 04:36:45 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=1043 Have you ever met someone whose very being radiated with love for life and a heart for helping others?

I did. I knew the Marsico name for years, but I didn’t meet the tiny dynamo that was Teddy until 2013. I knew within minutes of our first encounter that he’d crossed my path for a reason.

We were friends almost instantly, which is a miracle in itself. I’m not one to instantly trust anyone, but with Teddy it was easy.

I could go on and on about him, but I’ll jump ahead to the day he solved the biggest mystery I faced as a new writer. I had a manuscript with no title. Ever the shining knight, Ted sat with me and asked questions. Then, he took out a piece of paper and asked, “How about this?”

In his careful, perfect printing, he wrote:


i couldn’t breathe. The hair on my arms stood up. I knew this was it. I had a title. He’d figured it out.

i made sure everyone knew who he was at my first book signing. I let him know how grateful I was. I thanked him in front of everyone – and, true to Ted, he turned around and lifted me up with the sweetest speech.

After that day, even though we didn’t see each other often, I always knew if I called and said, “I need you,” he would have been at my side before I ended the call. He was so proud when SABRE-6 came out, and every now and again, I’d get a text saying “thinking of you.” Weeks, months would go by, but I always knew he was out there. True Friends always are.

i still can’t wrap my mind around my dear friend being gone. I pushed the pain away for three weeks. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. I raged. I couldn’t imagine the world without his Light in it.

When I sucked up the courage to speak at his service, I realized his Light is not gone. I saw it in the eyes of everyone there. But most of all, Teddy’s Light blazed from his two sons, handsome chips off the Marsico block.

You’re not gone, my forever friend. You touched so many, lifted so many, and we are all better people for knowing you. I can still hear your laughter. I can still see “that look” you would give me when I’d say something more off-the-wall than usual.

Thank you. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for always listening. Thank you for an amazing title. I miss you so much, Teddy. I promise I’ll keep writing. I’m dedicating the third book to you.

All my love, always.

https://leighgrissom.com/2019/06/1043/feed/ 1
Vote Now: Cover of the Month https://leighgrissom.com/2019/06/cover-of-the-month/ https://leighgrissom.com/2019/06/cover-of-the-month/#respond Sat, 01 Jun 2019 17:50:38 +0000 http://leighgrissom.com/?p=684

Leigh’s KLS-9 Cover is up for June’s Cover of the Month at AllAuthor.com!

Let’s show our support and get out there to vote!

– Angel

https://leighgrissom.com/2019/06/cover-of-the-month/feed/ 0