Deleted Scene/Lost Character/KLS-9

Where are we going?”

Tarin smiled at her.  “You can’t read my mind?”

She punched his shoulder.  “Ass.  I don’t if I don’t have to.  It’s a respect thing.”

“Oh, so you respect me.”

“I used to, dick.”

He laughed.  “I wanted to show you…Kerry?  What is it?”

She was staring off into nothing.  “Oh my God…”  She grabbed Tarin’s arm.  “Come on.”  She took off at a full sprint.

“What? What’s going on?” he asked, racing after her.

She ignored him, running several blocks till she reached Metal Warrior.  She straight-armed the door open and shouted, “Rock! Talk to me, dammit!”

Tarin reached the door moments after she did and took a second to catch his breath.  He gasped, and pointed to the door behind the counter.  “The…pain’s coming from back there.”

Kerry vaulted over the counter and, crouching, slowly edged the office door open.  The room was dark.  


A low groan answered her.  Kerry hit the light switch.  “Oh, God…”

He was on the floor, trying to get up.  She knelt down beside him and gently touched his chin, raising his head.  He looked through her for a moment, and then the eye that wasn’t swollen shut began to track and focused.  “Kerry…hey…”

“Tarin, help me.” They each hooked an arm under one of Rock’s and helped him to his feet.  Kerry kept him balanced while Tarin picked up one of the chairs and they eased him into it.  

“Fuuuuuuuuck that hurts.” Rock muttered.  He looked up again.  “Kerry—“

“Tarin, the first aid kit is in there.” Kerry said, pointing toward a small bathroom. Tarin brought it to her. She found what she needed and gently cleaned the blood from Rock’s face.

The sting of the antiseptic woke him up a little more and he flinched. “Shit!”

“Sit still.” Kerry looked him over closely. “Tell me the other guy looks worse than this.”

“Fuck yeah he does.” Rock’s open eye found Tarin and looked back to Kerry with an unspoken question.

“He’s good, my friend. Tarin, Rock.  Rock, Tarin.”

Tarin nodded, and Rock said, “I’d get up, but Nurse Nasty here will get upset.”

“Damn right. What the hell happened?”

Rock put his hand over hers. In all the years they’d known each other, it had become his signal for her to go ahead and look inside his mind.  She lightly traced the ink on his arm with her fingers and closed her eyes.

(All you have to do is tell me where she is)

(Fuck you, asshole)

Pain…sounds of Rock laughing at…at…

Him.  Blake.  Kerry’s eyes flew open. “Son of a bitch!” She took a deep breath and lightly touched her friend’s face.  Rock smiled slightly.

“Don’t do it. It wasn’t your fault.”

“I don’t get it.” Kerry clenched her other fist, chasing back her own rage and Raven’s too. “How the fuck did he know about you?”

Rock shook his head.  “I don’t think he came in here looking for you. I’m not really sure what he was after. He asked if I sold ammo and I told him no. Right before he left, he asked about you.” Rock shifted in his chair and winced. “I told him to get fucked, and it was on. I don’t know what he finally hit me with, but fuck it hurt.”

Kerry knew. He’d caught the butt of Blake’s handgun. “God, I’m so sorry.”

“Hey, stop it. I told you a long time ago I’d defend you to the death. Don’t blame yourself for this. I’d do it again, any time, against any bastard who fucks with my girl.”

“More words to rock by, huh?”

Rock laughed, then his tone turned serious. “Who is this fuck and what does he want with you?”

“I’m not sure yet. He’s already killed two people trying to find me.”

“Persistent bastard. Listen, go downstairs. I have some things stashed away you might need. You know which corner to look in.”

“I can pay you.”

“But I won’t take it. Now scatter. Leave your friend up here with me.”

Kerry whispered to Tarin, “Keep him talking.” She went out the tattoo parlor door, pausing to listen.

Rock kicked Kerry’s chair toward Tarin. “Sit down.”

Tarin obeyed. “Is there anything you need? Water?”

“No. Here’s how it is, friend. Hurt her and I’ll kill you.”

“You’ve known her a long time.”

“Long enough.”

“I give you my word.”

“And you’ve got mine, motherfucker. Now go see what’s taking her so long.”

Kerry ran on tiptoes and scooted down the basement steps. Rock wasn’t kidding; she found a .50 caliber Desert Eagle with three boxes of ammunition in his “special corner”. She checked the weapon and stashed it in her jacket. The ammunition went into her pockets.  

“You okay down here?” Tarin called.

“Huh? Oh yeah!” she called back. “Is he okay?”

“Yes. Just worried about you.”

They went back upstairs. They helped Rock to the couch he kept on the tattoo side of the shop and he stretched out. “Okay. You’re loaded for any beast that comes at you. Get moving. I don’t think he’ll come back, but I don’t want you here if he does.”

Kerry looked him over again. “You sure you want us to leave?”

“I’m good. Now get gone. Shop’s closed.”

Kerry nodded. “I’ll lock the door.”

“Thanks.” Rock leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

She took Tarin’s hand and they left the shop, pausing only to turn the sign to “CLOSED” and lock the door. Kerry shook her head.

“He’s provoking me. Why?”

“I don’t know.” Tarin ran his hand through his hair. “We need to get back. There’s too much tension on the street.”

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